
Friday, March 25, 2016

End-of-Week Elmore (3/25/16) - Son of the Black Sword Cover

I love this cover illo by Larry!

I had seen a new fantasy novel called Son of the Black Sword in the local library, but had mostly ignored it for a while. I have to admit that I'm something of a fantasy snob. 

The title put me off, and my : "Son of the Black Sword? Bah, sounds like Bane of the Black Sword, the Elric novel. Ripoff! Another fantasy novel with an evil sword? Come on!"

But if I'm a snob, I'm also a curious one. I had to at least look at the book, to confirm my disdain had merit!

Lo and behold, I flipped open the cover of the hardback, and right inside I discovered Larry Elmore's art staring back at me! I had to at least try to read the damn book!

I've read  the first chapter or so, and it's not bad so far. I also found it funny that the author's first name is also Larry (Correia)! Larry and Larry working together!

The setting seems to be somewhat Asian-flavored, especially due to the fact that the protagonist was wearing lamellar armor (however, Elmore's illo makes it look more like steel, I have to say) and there's a rigid caste system in place that includes untouchables).

And because I'm a roleplaying maniac, I was reminded of the setting from Scarlet Heroes.

Anyway, let's see if the book can hold my interest as deeply as the cover captivated me!

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