
Monday, February 28, 2011

Status Update-Outta Work & TrollConEast!

Hi all, just wanted to check in again, to write a brief post about where I am with regard to gaming at the moment.

As you probably read in my last post, I was downsized from my job of nearly six years on 2/25/11. Therefore, I guess it's no surprise that, for the next few weeks at least, my gaming activities will be mostly put on hold. Especially where it involves me as gamemaster. I need to spend the time applying for jobs, exploiting my network of contacts, getting unemployment and other government assistance going (uh, yes, I AM taking advantage of that, since I've been working consistently for years and paying into it dearly every paycheck. I think it's okay if I take a turn now), and other such activities.

I refuse to let this knock me out of my personal gaming renaissance, however! I shall return! Rage against the dying of the light, and all that...

If anyone out there in the Pennsylvania/NJ/Delaware area knows of anyone who needs a wordsmith (specifically a proposal and marketing writer), please leave a comment. My last six years of work was in the architecture/landscape architecture/Urban Design and Planning industry, but I'm not necessarily limited to that industry. I appreciate any leads you can provide!

With regard to gaming, I did attend TrollCon East at All Things Fun in Berlin, NJ as planned. I really needed the emotional boost! It was a blast, I had a great time. Met some new gamers, and Steve Chenault and Tim Burns from Troll Lord Games. It was really cool to have some one-on-one face time with some of the key guys behind Castles & Crusades. Steve in particular was gregarious, hilarious, down-to-earth, and an all-around fun time! Needless to say, I am now firmly in the C&C camp, and there's no longer a question as to what game system I will be using for my gaming for the foreseeable future!

When I have a chance, I will do a post specifically about my experiences at TrollCon East, and will include some pictures that I took. In the meantime, anyone interested can go here on the All Things Fun site to see a video of the part of Saturday night's gaming in which I was involved. I wasn't directly on camera for most of the time. I'm the guy in the lower right side of the screen with the short dark hair (no hat), goatee, glasses, and dark green sweater. Occasionally I pop onto the screen when I have to look closely at the minis we were using. Most of the time you can just see my hands, wedding ring on left hand and fiddling with dice and pens, and sometimes my big loss for you guys! ;-)

That's all for now, folks. I hope to check back in soon. Now, off to work on that resume...


  1. Hey,
    Thanks for your comment on my blog. I had a good time gaming with you the other night. Hopefully you can make it out to ATF some Monday for the game I am running if you need to blow off some steam.

    I see you have been running LotFP, I have the box set for that and I love it. One of my favorite gaming products of last year.

    I feel your jobless pain. I left my career as an engineer a few years ago after they laid off almost everyone else in the room. I went to law school, hoping that a career in patent law would be more secure. Now, as I finish up, there is not a job to be found anywhere. It is absurd. I have a mortgage and a whole new batch of student loans to deal with.

  2. Drance,

    I had the privilege of making your acquaintance at TrollCon East on Saturday. I was seated to your left, but did not join the game as I had my son with me. Next year, I will roll up a character (and my sleeves!) and get in the game.

    I was out of work twice in the last ten years. I used Contemporary Staffing Solutions [2001] and Emerson Personnel Group [2004] to help find the two jobs I enjoyed the most (including my current job where I have been since 2004). Also, I use currently at my job to make new contacts in the industry, but have noted that there are jobs posted on the site, as well. I hope these help and pray you find a new job soon!

    Happy gaming,
    Zudrak / Michael
