
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

GMs: How Do You Roll?

I'm pretty busy today, but I wanted to ask a quick question:

For you GMs out there: When you make your dice rolls, do you make them openly for the players to see, or do you do them in secret? Or do you do a combination of the two? Whatever your preference, also please let me know why you roll the way you do.


  1. Open, save for things like trap searching. That way, the players know that there is no fudging, god does play dice with the universe and their sorry butts are in the hands of cold, cold randomness.

  2. i'd bounce back and fourth depending on the campaign... no solid answer on that one sorry to say ;)

  3. I'm not the regular GM for my group, we switch around. The games I've run over the past year have all been Encounter Critcal episodes. The last episode was more problem solving than combat but I rolled the dice where everyone could see them.

  4. It depends on if the situation needs tension or not. Usually it is in the open so we can all celebrate/commiserate together, but when we need to add some tension to the current activity or a little mystery, I prefer the hidden roll.

  5. Back in the day I've kept my rolls secret. Nowadays all my rolls are on the open.

  6. I roll all of my combat rolls in the open. Other rolls depend on the situation. Things like wandering monster checks and trap searches get rolled secretly. Things like morale get rolled openly.
