
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Laid low by illness...

This is just a short post to apologize for my silence over the last few days. I've been afflicted with the mother of all colds, it seems. Right now I am experiencing the wonderful sensation of pain radiating through my cheeks and teeth, courtesy of some inflamed sinuses! Awesome-sauce, as the kids say these days.

Anyway, I hope to be able to post something of substance soon. I got my hands on a copy of Heroes & Other Worlds and would like to post something about it this week, health permitting. Stay tuned...


  1. It is that time of year. Good luck on your next saving throw.

    1. Yes, it's plague time! The saving throw thing was hilarious, thanks ;-) I must have made the throw last night, I'm feeling better, thanks.

  2. Good grief man. Did you not know blogging is the #1 reason for sinus infections?

    1. Really? Thanks for the info, they need to put a surgeon general warning on these things...

  3. Thanks Anthony for giving HOW a try, I am hopeful for your speedy recovery and that there is no tie between the purchase of HOW and your illness. :)
