
Friday, August 31, 2012

Hitting the Century Mark

Hey, I reached 100 followers today! I'm still at "Maven" level, but it feels damned good to have 100 people on my "Minion" list...and a bit scary! Why scary? Well, because I hope that I provide some interesting content for those 100 followers, as well as anyone else who might read my blog but is not a follower. I try not to worry too much about impressing anyone. I just write when I feel inspired, that's all. I enjoy being a part of the RPG community we have here, and hope that I contribute something of value, be it interesting conversation topics or just being a kindred spirit.

Anyway, thanks to all my followers! I appreciate you keeping tabs on me! It's great to have you on board, and please don't hesitate to let me know if I'm boring you to tears. ;-)

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