
Friday, July 22, 2011

A Voice from the Void: Checking In...

Hello all out there in the blogosphere. I apologize for my long silences of late. I am still getting used to the demands of the current stage of my career, the excessive heat that is gripping the United States has moved its evil influence over my state, and the need to focus on my family life as a husband and father is as always of the utmost importance. All of this of course means that things such as blogging and other hobbies have been once again compromised, and rightly so.

Just know that I am focusing on what all of this blogging we are doing is about: actually gaming! What small spare time I have these days is going into my Wednesday night table-top game. I just had the first session of my Forgotten Realms campaign (which transitioned from a Dragonlance campaign for several reasons) and by all accounts my players were very happy with it. I am looking forward to getting a lot of sessions under my belt in the coming weeks.

It is summertime, however, and the number of players we have in our group fluctuates weekly. One of our gamemasters/players (and also the founder of our group) has moved away to other realms, sadly. Another player has had some life issues that have taken his gaming time from him of late. And yet another player is away working at a summer camp. That leaves, for now, myself and two players to forge ahead. Our hope is that our other two players will be able to join us again soon. But any gaming is great gaming, as far as I am concerned, and the three of us that were there this week put in some good adventuring. I hope to give you a good recap soon. But for now, I'll just give you one tidbit: a very upset owlbear was involved!

Anyway, that's where things stand. I am not blogging much at the moment in favor of roleplaying. I hope you can see that I have my priorities straight! Hope to write more soon. Until then, game on, my friends!


  1. Looks to me like you've got your priorities straight!

    Glad you're enjoying your FR game. I'm lucky to be involved in a few games right now, although only two are really "active" at the moment. But, yeah, I'd of course much rather do that than write another blog post.

    I've been a little light on blogging lately, too, mostly due to work. Things are busy, and yet... still not a lot of actual money coming in! It's all work in the hopes of landing some new clients. Oy.

    Happy Summer!

  2. Thanks for checking in! At least you are doing well, hang in there with the heat, it will pass!
