
Monday, July 11, 2011

Let's Dance!

If you're like me, and probably millions of other addicts, tomorrow is something of a religious holiday. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you're not one of the lost souls who have been waiting in purgatory for a certain novel.

Yes, I'm talking about A Dance with Dragons.

It hits the US tomorrow. I pre-ordered mine months ago, of course. Mine is coming direct to my door. But tomorrow, I will stop by the Barnes & Noble near my work and see if I can't find a copy to thumb through during lunch. Just to see what I can expect when the tome gets to me.

So, is it safe to assume that the RPG blogosphere has more than its share of Song of Ice and Fire fans? If you're out there, please chime in and share your personal tale of obsession. What does the series mean to you? What is your favorite or least favorite book in the series? What did you think of the HBO series? And perhaps the most important question: are you or have you ever been involved in a campaign based in the world of Westeros?

For me, this series has been a huge part of my life for years now. It's been at times both a love affair and a bit of frustration. I'm not one of those who thought A Feast for Crows was far inferior to the first three novels. But at the same time, I can tell you that there were times that books 2 through 4 felt a lot like the author was almost too in love with his creation. I'm holding out hope that Martin will carry this series through to the end in a manner that delivers on the promise of the books. I await the fifth book with an open mind, and I am trying to temper my expectations. The HBO series did a decent job, but it's hard when you know how much detail had to be left out. And as for gaming in Westeros, so far I've only played the Fantasy Flight board game. But you can be sure that I've contemplated roleplaying in Martin's creation.

Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you crazy kids out there!

And for those of you who actually came here for the Bacon, here you go:


  1. It's been a long, long time in coming this book. Better believe I am dancin' to the virtual bookstore.

  2. Is this some kind of famous author or something? ;)

  3. I like George because he has a cool last name. :)

    Honestly, I never got into the book series because I had the impression that it was just another one of those ridiculously bloated fantasy series (ala Jordan's "Wheel of Time") that I was afraid would never be finished based on what I've heard about the author's state of health and his seeming penchant for doing everything else but finishing the series.

    But then... I watched the HBO series with my wife and was hooked after the first episode. We are eagerly anticipating the second season, and I'm also trying to rush through finished the first trilogy of The Black Company books (I'm about halfway done) so that I can read the Ice and Fire books before Season 2 starts.

    I guess you could say that both my wife and I are fans, now. :)

  4. I don't know this book, but I like seeing how excited you and Cake are about it. I'll be this way in the fall, when the next Wimpy Kid book comes out.

    Happy Reading :-)

  5. Wow, someone who really doesn't know about the cult of Ice and Fire?! Unthinkable! You must be converted! ;-)
