Friday, July 24, 2015
End-of-Week Elmore (7/24/15)
What's up with this one, Larry? Wish I could have been there for the creative process for this particular piece. Perhaps certain "magical" substances were involved?
I call this one "Ms. Centaur Goes to Washington."
Friday, July 17, 2015
Friday, July 10, 2015
End-of-Week Elmore (7/10/15)
Okay, first, here's your Elmore illo for the week!
Second, I know it's very belated, but I'd like to say that I had a great time on Free RPG Day at my old RPG stomping grounds: All Things Fun!
Here's a pic of my humble haul (of which I consider the Dungeon Crawl Classics GM screen from Goodman Games to be the crown jewel):
Early next week, I'm going to post in more detail about the good bit of gaming I got up to on the day, complete with pics! Until then, have a great weekend, and happy gaming!