
Friday, November 28, 2014

End-of-Week Elmore (11/28/14)

Hope everyone in the U.S. is having a great Thanksgiving holiday! I'm sure you're all enjoying "picking" at the turkey for leftovers!

Friday, November 7, 2014

End-of-Week Chalk (11/7/14)

A couple days ago, I posted about a Kickstarter for a Lone Wolf board game. Since then, I've been obsessing (how strange for me to do so ;-) about all things related to British fantasy gaming. So I thought I'd post a bit of art from Gary Chalk, who of course looms large beside Russ Nicholson in the pantheon of art gods from "across the pond."
Enjoy the illo above, and have a "hacking" good weekend!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Lone Wolf - The Board Game Kickstarter

I'm really excited about this Kickstarter! I didn't experience the Lone Wolf game books in their original heyday (I did get some Fighting Fantasy books, though), but I've gotten into them in recent years. I love Gary Chalk's artwork, and the world of Magnamund has that "British fantasy feel" to it that I really like.
If you like Lone Wolf, get in on this opportunity!